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第9声 【コンテンツが広げる知的好奇心】

English below

A TV drama that is currently broadcasting called Shitamachi Rocket bringing up a lot of topics surrounding IP, such as patent infringement and cross licensing. As I am studying IP at university, I have been quite interested in the series. My mother, who has been watching the program with me, has also gained slight interest in the topic of IP. In my opinion, content is not only about enjoying the story, but also has a major role in developing and expanding peoples’ intellectual curiosity about the industries and fields the stories present. Some of my friends even developed interest and began playing their sports due to the influence of animations and comics with bicycle competition and tennis themes. I feel that interest in things I wasn’t interested in before and trying new things is greatly due to the influence of contents. Furthermore, I feel that the development of the contents industry contributes to the development of culture. I think that with VOICE, this great industry can be boosted and developed further.
